branding, ideas and innovation
rebranding website
for niche online retailer
copywriting, curation and design of shopify website
creation of new luxury sustainability concept, branding and website
A new platform for Kering Corporation companies to re-educate consumers via storytelling and manufacturing provenance. Created for Kering Corporation as part of a collaboration with London College of Fashion’s Centre for Sustainability
sustainable design and lifestyle magazine origination, branding and design
Invented the word ‘visuology’ a combination of ‘vision’, ‘intuition’ and ‘sociology’ - and the concept of ‘style beyond trends’
Re-branding and re-design, below, was carried out in collaboration with Harriet Bedder
online curiosity shop idea, branding and voice
Conceived (2005) and branded (2008) ShopCurious before the BBC R4 ‘for curious minds’ campaign, the organisation ‘Curious Minds’, the Wellcome Collection’s ‘incurably curious’, the re-branding of a breakfast cereal to Curiously Cinnamon and the eventual emergence of derivative websites adopting similar names and retail concepts. In 2019, Nesta launched a podcast called Future Curious
boutique gallery/concept store branding and styling
In collaboration with John Eager
Fashion Gallery advertisement layout and branding
luxury dating club branding
A luxury dating club for successful singles - branding collaboration with David Parker
digital time capsule concept and website creation
Conceived idea and built a virtual legacy site for storing memories, stories and photographs to be remembered by - a forerunner of Google’s Historypin and Facebook’s Timeline